Police response to behavioral health and developmental disability crises
Adam Schaefer
Postal Inspector, United States Postal Inspection Service
Project Advisor | Reviewed initial project proposal | Helped narrow down project | Connected me to JSO contacts
Cara Wilmot
Girl Scout Troop 494 Leader | Connected me to resources and contacts | Provided recommendations | Provided feedback and support throughout the process
Century Type Print (Jacksonville, FL)
Provided a 25% discount and additional help with printing out resources (see downloadable brochures) | Fast communication and quick printing and accommodation of requests
Edward Wight
US Navy | TA Troop 31002 (Ambassadors) | Higher Award Committee Member | Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
Gold Award Mentor | Guided project plan through modification recommendations | Provided detailed take-action suggestions and recommendations | Provided credible resources | Helped with expanding my project reach | Helped with time management | Provided feedback throughout process
Habsi W. Kaba
CIT Leader/Coordinator | Provided information about CITs, CIT training, guidelines in dealing with persons with mental illness, support provided to officers themselves, and much more insightful information through in-depth video recordings to interview questions
Joe Mella
Licensed Clinical Supervisor | Provided information about mental health issues, risk evaluations and assessments, interacting with children with mental health issues, process of evaluation, and much more insightful information through an interview
Kelly S. Karase
Assistant United States Attorney | Provided information about treatment of mental health issues by the criminal justice system, legislation regarding mental health issues, navigating pressures of the job, and much more insightful information through an interview
Pati Lash
Girl Scout Troop 494 Leader | Guided me to resources and contacts | Arranged opportunities | Provided feedback and support throughout the process
Randi M. Glossman
Police Lieutenant | Provided information about Crisis Negotiations Unit, Critical Incident Stress Management Team, mental health training for officers, personal experiences, and more insightful knowledge through an in-person interview/meeting
Rex Setzer
Group Supervisor, Homeland Security Investigations | Former JSO Officer | Provided feedback on initial topic, helped narrow its scope | Connected me to law enforcement workers
Subha Karthikeyan
Physical therapist | Provided information about psychiatric treatment, characteristics of individuals with mental health condition, interacting with such individuals, guidelines and approaches in communicating to such individuals, and much more insightful information through an interview
UNF Mental Health Counseling Team (Kassie Terrell, Brenda Santioni, Aaron Percoco, and Samantha Powell)
Clinical Mental Health Counseling assistant professor and graduate students at University of North Florida | Provided information about mental and behavioral health conditions, communicating with persons with mental health conditions, misconceptions about such persons, handling persons in emotional distress, and much more insightful information through an interview